2011-12-14 11:52 AM
Dear all,
I've not found a related topic. Right now I've checked with the demo of mass storage device the possible maximum transfer speed. And it looks like ~500kByte/s, for writing to the device. The define at usb_conf.h shows a RX_FIFO_SIZE of 128. I thought I can increase the transfer speed by increase the RX_FIFO_SIZE, but with a value of e.g. 256, the USB init fails at while (bDeviceState != CONFIGURED); So, is there a mistake from my side? Or to change other parts of the code to increase the transfer speed. Target will be the value of ~1MByte/s. Regards Achim2011-12-14 9:41 PM
By only changing the fifo size is not enough.
You have to look into the state machine of BOT. Do you capture any USB trace of your problem.2011-12-18 11:27 AM
I've forgotten that I use the demo from STM32_USB-FS-Device-Lib_3.3.0.
After your comment, I've look at the different functions from EP2_OUT_Callback(), Mass_Storage_Out(), USB_SIL_Read() and so on up to Write_Memory(). And at the end, Write_Memory() has a loop to add 8 times 64 bytes and then call MAL_Write(). So, it looks like that everthing transfer only 64 bytes. I've measured the time for each function call of Write_Memory() but without writing to the mass storage. Each 64 bytes, or each function call takes approx. 150µs. 8 functions calls with 64bytes takes approx. 1ms, which results in approx. 512kbytes/s. Means I can't take every package during the 1ms frame. If I'm right, fullspeed has 1ms frame time and max. 19 packets, and ~53µs for each packet? But how many time between each packet? If you mean a software like USB-Trace, right now no. Has someone more experience with the STM32F105 and increased FIFO size together with BOT? Is it possible to reach a transfe speed of ~800..900KBytes/s? Regards Achim