2013-02-05 1:27 AM
i am newbe to STM32.and i am using STM32F103C8T6.i have added the USB Lybrary to my code and it was compilled successfully by the gcc compiler(arm-none-eabi).here when i connected my board to PC with USB i am getting ''Unrecognised device''.is there any thing i need to add code after the ''pProperty->Init();'' function call in the USB_Init() function.I also connected a 1.5K pull up at D+ of USB.please help me out someone. void USB_Init(void) { pInformation = &Device_Info; pInformation->ControlState = 2; pProperty = &Device_Property; pUser_Standard_Requests = &User_Standard_Requests; /* Initialize devices one by one */ pProperty->Init(); ?????????stuck here to add code }