2016-04-28 08:08 PM
Everything is working, just not as I thought it should be. As the logic analyzer shows below, the main loop is interrupted for almost the same amount of time the I2C operation takes.
2016-04-29 02:04 AM
Hi Zawyer,
It's a bit difficult to see the I2C data on your picture, so what I guess is you have:AddW + 1 Data + AddR + 6 byte of dataI2C addresses cannot be sent by the DMA, sot he 3 first bytes sent (AddW + Data + AddR) are sent by flag polling.After that your 6 bytes of data are loaded to the DMA buffer and your firmware is freed.This would be your 267us main loop interruption.If your slave do some clock stretching, it can take more time. It is maybe what happen for the first 3 bytes: the SCL line is kept low for a while.F.2016-05-01 09:27 PM
Thanks, I guess I'll be discarding DMA and going just with interrupts instead Also looks like I'll be discarding Cube HAL library too, I don't think that clock stretching you mention for the first 3 bytes is caused by the slave device I've seen other people achieve way better speeds with this same slave, using the standard peripheral lib, didn't go deep in their code yet