2015-11-18 12:26 AM
I'm running the STM32Cube_FW_F4 PolarSSL example on a STM3241G-EVAL board. Built everything with SW4STM32 and loaded binary with a Jlink device.The application starts up correctly and I can see the SSL server demon on the LCD. I can ping my board. As my SSL connection fails, I would like to activate the printf functionality to monitor debug messages through a RS232 terminal. According to application note, everything's setup correctly but cannot see any ouput on my line.Have you tried to make this app run and succeeded to see output on the RS232 line ?Thanks a lot for your time,Pierre #printf #stm32f4172015-11-18 8:44 AM
Have you tried to make this app run and succeeded to see output on the RS232 line ?
I think you're speaking to a very small number of people here, tending to zero. Perhaps you should evaluate the USART and it's function independently of the other code here. You should look at how the pins and the USART are configured, and how the printf() output gets to the USART. In GNU/GCC platforms this is often through a newlib_stubs.c type file. How your specific tool chain does this is something you'll have to dig into.