2014-04-21 07:17 PM
Dear all,
I found in the STM32F10x_stdperiph_LIb file Stm32100_eval_lcd.c. This file is firmware driver for an LCD TFT with Hx8312 Controller. I want to use an LCD TFT of Newhaven Display with Hx8369 Controller (an 4.3 Inch with 16 bit 8080 parallel interface. Can I use the STM32F10x_stdperiph_LIb Stm32100_eval_lcd.c to drive this 4.3 Inch LCD? Do I have to modify the library code? Thank you for your support in advance.2014-04-22 08:09 AM
Do I have to modify the library code?
Yes, I think this will take a reasonably significant porting effort on your part.