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STM32 Workshop query

Associate II
Posted on November 07, 2016 at 12:09


 In August accepted an invitation to

STM32 development ecosystem hands-on workshop

due to take place tomorrow 8th November 2016 in Dublin, Ireland

However I haven't received any further information whatsoever regarding the workshop - time, place etc.

I cannot find anywhere on the ST website (or account pages) to find anything more about the workshop (other that the news item that lists all of them).

Would anyone be able to give me contact information to try and find out what's going on?

#!stm32 #!workshop
Posted on November 07, 2016 at 13:09

Same as you Eddy, I need to know because I have to ask for take time off.

Can somebody let us know?


Posted on November 07, 2016 at 15:06

I would suggest you query EBV or ARROW in Dublin, they are likely to be involved. I will push this to moderation.

My contacts for this sort of thing are mostly North American based.

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Posted on November 08, 2016 at 13:15

So I asked in Facebook, in Twitter and in here but no answer. 

That is really disappointing. 

Associate II
Posted on November 09, 2016 at 11:22

Thanks Clive, but I'm afraid it's too late to to anything now.

I'd have to say it's pretty awful behaviour - I mean I was invited to participate, registered the same day and never heard another thing.

I had arranged travel, acoomodation and reorganised my schedule to attend.

Posted on November 09, 2016 at 17:14

Yes it is disappointing, the US operation has a lot of distributors, and reps, and I can't speak to the dysfunctionality in the EU. I've had them lose registrations, and the web portal here isn't exactly robust.

However I'm pretty sure this isn't something I'd try to fix 24-48 hours before in social media. I'd be calling into the local distributors (I identified two using ST's contacts page) via phone, and the local sales offices, and shaking the tree from there.

Can someone from the ST EU operation please respond to this?

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Associate II
Posted on November 11, 2016 at 10:20

Again thanks Clive.

 despite my frustration, I do appreciate your responses.

The lack of explanation/response from anyone else tells it's own tale sadly.

It would seem clear that the European operation has quite a way to go in terms of customer relations.

For what it's worth I would suggest that the organisers of future events put  *contact information* on the invite or news pages so that customers can contact them, which I was unable to do.

In particular I  find the lack of courtesy to be disappointing. To invite someone to an event, confirm their acceptance and then fail to follow up in anyway is truly appalling.  It cost me both in terms of time and money.



Associate II
Posted on November 14, 2016 at 18:57

Not even the courtesy of a reply from anyone associated with the problem.

Not good enough really :-(