2012-07-11 6:12 AM
Good Day
I am new to ARM and Atollic TrueStudio. I decided to get going by downloading and testing an existing demo project which has functionality I require and the understand it and move forward. I have a STM3220G-EVAL board, Atollic TrueStudio 3.1.0. Pro, Windows 7 Pro. I downloaded the STM32_USB-Host-Device_Lib_V2.1.0 and loaded the \STM32_USB-Host-Device_Lib_V2.1.0\Project\USB_Host_Device_Examples\DRD\TrueSTUDIO\STM322xG-EVAL_USBH-HS project. When I build the the project I get errors in the startup_stm32f2xx.s. The errors is undefined reference to '_ebss', ... '_sbss', ... '_sdata' and ... '_sidata' - see attached. Are these examples suppose to build or do they require modification to build? Any assistance will be appreciated.2012-07-12 12:03 PM
Are these examples suppose to build or do they require modification to build? Any assistance will be appreciated.
Well they build fine under Keil, and pretty easy to port to GNU/GCC. It probably depends on the version of Atollic with which ST created the project. Looking at the error it's not clear if the C/C++ compiler is being run against an assembler source file, or if it dislikes the linker script / section names. This is certainly an area where Atollic have deviated from the more generic GNU/GCC solution. Suggest you call your support representative at Atollic and have them work through the problem with you. That's what you're paying for as GCC and Eclipse are free tools. I'm sure they'll point fingers back and forth, but it's not really ST's job to make things work with every version of every IDE. Or frankly that an IDE can't do a half decent job of parsing an XML format project file from some other vendor. Great AWK or PERL scripting task for someone.
2012-07-16 4:16 AM
Thank you for the response Clive, valid point.
I referred the issue to Atollic. On the plus side, despite having an Evaluation License they helped resolve the problem. The problem as whole negatively impacted my evaluation of the product. The response from Atollic was as follows for anyone else whom may have this issue. ''After creating a unit test and trying to run the first time, there are two folders created in the project called 'unittest' and '.csdata'. These folders contain copies of source files during different stages of the process. Due to how the project is set up these folders actually become included in the build process, causing it to fail.Therefore you need to exclude these from the build process, do this by opening the navigator view (Window -> show view -> navigator) and locate these folders. Right-click on each one of them and select properties and then go to C/C++ build and select the 'exclude resource from build'.''
2012-07-16 7:23 AM
I found the whole project/workspace model on Atollic to be quite frustrating. Unless the IDE environment and project tree exactly match those used by ST when generating theirs, it can be quite difficult to resolve.
This contrasts to Keil, where it's relatively easy to clone a project, archive it, or move it about, and it's also pretty simple to edit an XML file to either fix directory locations, or understand where particular files are coming from.2012-07-16 7:40 AM
I found the whole project/workspace model on Atollic to be quite frustrating.
Basically correct, but it is not Atollics model, but that of the underlying Eclipse. Several others share this opinion, including me. By the way, out of curiosity I once tried a unit test with Atollic Lite V2.2, which totally destroyed the project. It was just a test project, but all in all, it failed to enhance my trust in Atollic/Eclipse. I soon changed to CrossWorks.