2018-08-30 1:34 AM
I have managed to get STemWin showing the "Hello World" message on the STM32F779I-EVAL board using CubeMX.
The project has FreeRTOS enabled.
Maybe it's me not understanding STemWin... but it seems after the screen refresh during the initialization, STemWin will not continue refreshing screen from the SDRAM. I think the STemWin rendering is going into the SDRAM but not from the SDRAM to the screen.
The reason for me to think that is if I restart the application and break before GUI_Clear I see what should have been on the screen before restarting the application.
This is my display task code:
GUI_DispStringAt("Hello World", 0, 20);
int i;
while (1)
GUI_DispDecAt(i++, 0, 100, 4);
if (i > 9999)
i = 0;
HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(LED1_GPIO_Port, LED1_Pin);
What I see on the screen after the power has been removed from the eval-board:
Hello World
If I restart the application and set a break-point before GUI_Clear I will see something like
Hello World
Does anyone have any idea of what is going on?
I have attached the .ioc file.
Best regards