2009-04-17 6:23 AM
Reseting the STLM75 Temperature sensor
2011-05-17 4:10 AM
I have my I2C drivers working as I can read and write to I2C devices. I'm working with the STLM75 Temperature sensor on the eval board. However, I noticed that if an I2C transfer gets interrupted, I can no longer talk to that device. The simplest case is:
1. Generate a START 2. Reset the processor 3. Generate a START 4. Write Addr -> Always generates Acknowledge Failure Error 5. Reset the processor 6. Works fine I've tried generating various combinations of START/STOPs on every reset, but I can't seem to reset the temp sensor. (if that is even the problem) My code is basically taken directly from STM eval example. Thanks in advance! Dan2011-05-17 4:10 AM
Hello Dan,
I am also facing the same problem you did, in I2C communication with STLM75 temperature sensor. ''Write Addr -> Always generates Acknowledge Failure Error '' I have been receiving this error and trying to figure out how to overcome it. Have you found any solutions? Any advice on this matter is appreciated. Thank you.