2017-11-14 7:49 AM
1. I have necessity force to start STM32F7 after reset as fast as possible.
How to do it correctly using HAL or Low-layer drivers?In 'Description of STM32F7 HAL and Low-layer drivers' I find in chapter 'FAQs'
Follow the sequence below to use the APIs provided in the HAL drivers:
1. Call HAL_Init() function to initialize the system (data cache, NVIC priority,…). 2. Initialize the system clock by calling HAL_RCC_OscConfig() followed by HAL_RCC_ClockConfig(). 3. Add HAL_IncTick() function under SysTick_Handler() ISR function to enable polling process when using HAL_Delay() function 4. Start initializing your peripheral by calling HAL_PPP_Init(). 5. Implement the hardware low level initialization (Peripheral clock, GPIO, DMA,..) by calling HAL_PPP_MspInit() inxx_hal_msp.c 6. Start your process operation by calling IO operation functions.As i understood after the resett, the STM32F7 series is running on HSI clock(It means 16MHz).
And runtime envioroument called on HSI frequncy. ==========Issues. ==========1. I have necessity force to start STM32F7 after reset as fast as possible.How to do it correctly using HAL or Low-layer drivers?2.I have necessity to check and initialize External SRAM and SDRAM,
before running 'C-runtime envioroument'.Is it possible using HAL or Low-layer drivers?For experiments I used Evaluation board with STM32F746G-EVAL2,
Firmware: J-Link ARM / Flasher ARM V4.My best regards,
Andrij Markovsky2017-11-14 8:57 AM
If you don't do anything it will be running at 16 MHz (HSI) when it hits the Reset_Handler code.
It will take additional time for you to start the external oscillator, and configure/lock the PLL to higher frequencies.