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Programming STM32F730s from other STM32F730s


I need to program a large array of STM32F730s from a single master STM32F730. ST seems to have lots of applications notes on using bootloaders to pull code into these devices, and also on using STM-LInk to push code in.

But what I need to do is push the code from the master to the slaves. The only thing I can find is using a JTAG port on each device which would be prohibitive from the number of connections. Is it possible to push code into Flash using the USART which I think is what some of the Discovery boards do, and if so can someone point me to the application note on it please.


I thought it was 400MHz. But the 100 pin versions are 5 Euros at Avnet vs 3 for the F730 so that's actually better value even at 400 so maybe I'll go for the H as it looks pin compatible.