2008-11-18 10:26 PM
Programming External RAM
2011-05-17 3:52 AM
What are all the available options to program external RAM? IAR provides a flashloader to program external flash via the debugger. Is there anything similar for programming external RAM?
I'm aware of the DFU tool, but are there any other options? thanks2011-05-17 3:52 AM
Refer to the following example:
FWLib\examples\FSMC\SRAM_DataMemory2011-05-17 3:52 AM
What you mean by ''to program external ram with a binary file''. if I understand well you need to load your code into external RAM. Is it OK?
In this case you need to configure the FSMC before programming the external SRAM. For more details, refer to:http://www.st.com/mcu/modules.php?name=mcu&file=familiesdocs&FAM=110#Application Note
2011-05-17 3:52 AM
Thanks for the response jilisegiar.
I did see the sram data memory example, which is demonstrates how to use external ram for program data memory and internal SRAM for Stack. I'm interested in having the ability to program external ram with a binary file. Similar in the way of how a flashloader is loaded in internal ram and fetches a binary file from the c-spy debugger, which it then programs external memory with.