2018-03-29 4:55 AM
Hi, today I have observed and solved a problem when I started to develop my simple program for NUCLEO-F746ZG. A problem was following: EXTI15_10_IRQHandler interrupt fired always - regardless of my changes in program. By observing system register SYSCFG content in my debugger, I have found, that content of SYSCFG always is zero, regardless of executing of the line LL_SYSCFG_SetEXTISource(LL_SYSCFG_EXTI_PORTC, LL_SYSCFG_EXTI_LINE13);
My code was generated by newest CubeMX with my selection USE_FULL_LL_DRIVER (without Ethernet and without USB support) and manually ported to Embitz. I have found solution - to add a line LL_APB2_GRP1_EnableClock(LL_APB2_GRP1_PERIPH_SYSCFG);
Interestingly - why CubeMX do not add this line!
Best regards.
2018-03-30 2:47 AM
Thank you for reported this issue.
This issue is raised internally for check and investigation.
Best Regards,
2018-05-03 7:05 AM
,This issue will be fixed next release 4.0 of MX.
enjoy using MX