2009-01-07 6:30 PM
Problem of ADC
2011-05-17 3:23 AM
Hello all!
My program use ADC1 to do the convert ADC in regular mode ( multi channel and continuous conversion mode), and then i use the DMA channel 1 to tranfer the data continuously into a memory in RAM. In the first times, when i download the program to the MIC, the program work as i want. And then , i quit from debug mode to modify my program, but when i redowload the program to the MIC : I received a message warning like below: Verify error at address 0x08000D18, target byte: 0x51, byte in file: 0x3E Wed Jan 07 12:33:15 2009: Warning: Verify error at address 0x08000D19, target byte: 0x06, byte in file: 0x4B Wed Jan 07 12:33:15 2009: Warning: Verify error at address 0x08000D1A, target byte: 0x6D, byte in file: 0x9C I tried to run the program, but it always return to the HardFaultException default. I can only download and run the program if i disconnect an connect the power of my MIC so what is the problem? How to resolve it? I suppose that i cant write in my ROM (Flash) when the ADC is running, and when i disconect and reconnect the power, there is somthing what has been reseted. but what is it?2011-05-17 3:23 AM
It seems that you are using IAR toolchain. if this the case update first the Jlink dll from segger web site(http://www.segger.com/download_jlink.html : Software and documentation pack V4.00a )then use the ''Core and peripherals'' reset option(under Options->J-Link/J-Trace-> Reset)