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Please give me advice about how to use NVIC

Associate II
Posted on November 06, 2015 at 12:55


My colleague is in trouble about NVIC of STM32L053..

At the moment, he wants to use several external interrupts;

some of them are assigned to EXTI line 0, some others are assigned to EXTI line 1,

and the rest are assigned to EXTI line2.

According to him, EXTI line 0 doesn't work at all regardless edge trigger happens.

Also some interrupts of line 1 and line 2 don't work at all regardless edge triggger happnes as well.

Does he take care of setting register when he assigns several interrupt to the same vector ? If someone can offer a sample program to solve this issue, I appreciate it.


Posted on November 06, 2015 at 14:13

Perhaps if you show some code it might be more apparent why it isn't working.

What board is being used, and are the pins free/available?

Is the SYSCFG peripheral enabled? What settings are written to the NVIC and EXTI? Can you read these registers back to confirm the settings, and those for the associated GPIO?

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