2010-06-29 4:54 AM
Open source *nix based flasher
2011-05-17 4:56 AM
From: mcrae.geoffreyPosted: Monday, July 05, 2010 3:41 AMSubject: Open source *nix based flasher
Hi Alex,
bzeroing is a major issue, it can and will stomp on driver flags that may/will be set by the serial driver in the kernel, you should AND/OR the existing values to setup the structure. Have a look at serial_linux.c in stm32flash for an example of how to properly configure the device.
I am also restoring the old configuration on close, but that does not fix the problem, your code may fail to run on some systems as you are stomping on flags in the structure you don't know about.
I found this site much more complete and up to date:
, that howto you linked is very old.