2017-10-10 1:34 PM
I am using the latest ST32CubeMx Ver. 4.22.
Creating a new project with the wizard and selecting my target board Nucelo STM32F429ZI.
When selecting the middleware ETH connectivity I have DP8348 as only choice where the board is with PHY from Microchip 8742A. Since the board is not really new I thought this should be known already..
I can see that something with ETH init is to read over the DMA that the PHY has gone through reset which means sending other info then 0x0 I guess
/* Wait for software reset */
while (((heth->Instance)->DMABMR & ETH_DMABMR_SR) != (uint32_t)RESET)didn't dig into it yet, thought I can ask here before what should be changed to get it working...
2017-10-11 6:16 AM
the tick counter. Don't why, I added this at the begining of the
{ HAL_IncTick();-----
2. TICK_INT_PRIORITY made the highest since I am calling for HAL_delays
in different tasks.#define TICK_INT_PRIORITY ((uint32_t)0U) /*!< tick
interrupt priority */ 3. Last... and most important are the corrected settings for the PHY8742A2017-10-11 9:32 AM
Try to use R.MII mode.
And for the systick , you must avoid to use Systick timer for HAL when you use also a RTOS.
Use another timer to avoid theese problems.
The generated code will include HAL_IncTick(); in Timers IRQ handler.