2013-08-01 4:52 AM
Hi, I have tried to measure the real output voltage on 5V pins so I'd know for sure I won't burn my servo, but after doing so all LEDs went of, nothing happens after connecting board to USB and now on the 5v pin I have 2V output not 4,7V as I measured it earlier. I'm pretty sure the board is gone, but I want some assurance. Maybe there is something I can do?
UPDATE: I have no idea what I have done, but empowering the board via usb doesn't work, but when I enpower the board with external source battery it works and when I plug it to the computer, port COM is ON and communication is fine. Any ideas? #broken-failure-stopped-working2013-08-01 8:18 AM
What board exactly are we talking about, there are like 6 different series of Discovery boards?
Get the schematic for your board, and review any regulators/diodes in the 5V path from the USB connector. Have you blown out a USB port, try another one.2013-08-01 9:06 AM
It's a STM32F4. Thank you for your answer, I have just downlaoded schematics(haven't found such earlier) and now I can investigate on my own.