2018-05-29 10:19 PM
Hello everyone,
i am using stm32F429ZI nucleo board and i want to implement mqtt over LWIP,
i am able to send connect request and publish dummy data on mqtt server but after the keep alive time socket error occurs,
i have already attached systick timer with client.cyclic_tick.
In debug mode timer is working and same way client.cyclic_tick is also getting incremented.
but after the predefined keep alive time socket error occurs , may be there is an issue regarding time attachment,
i have attached my mqtt timer with systick as below:
void MQTT_Tick_Timer_Handler(void)
and inside stm32f4xx_it.c
void SysTick_Handler(void)
{ osSystickHandler(); MQTT_Tick_Timer_Handler();}
2018-07-02 05:10 AM
I'm also trying to implement mqtt on stm32F429. Unfortunately my code does not work. Can you share your project?2018-07-04 01:01 AM
Unfortunately, due to company's policy, i cant share the project, tell me your issues, problems where you are stucking, i might help, if possible you can share your project, the below link might be useful for you.