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Modifying ASC python script for Keyword spotting. getting error during log mel feature extraction. Please help


hi, am modifying the ASC python code for keyword spotting. Am using dataset which is 1 sec long wav files whereas ASC dataset is 30sec long wav files. 

while doing spectrogram-feature extraction am getting value 0.

what is the frame length and hop length I need to give for 1sec long audio?

Also, whether I can use the same log mel feature extraction module for this?

Please help.

Python Script link-

ST Employee

Hi @ShivaRagu​ 

I am not the owner of that script, but the purpose is to have 1024ms frame to be in the power of 2 (to ease computation). In the script, the frame length should be adapted to 1s to fit the dataset length. Where you able to solve you issue ?

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