2009-03-30 09:06 PM
Is it possible to use external SRAM as data memory without using MicroLib?
2011-05-17 04:08 AM
I have a problem with Keil MDK and STM32E_EVAL board. I want to use external SRAM as data memory and internal SRAM for Stack. In MDK IDE->Project->Option, I checked Off-Chip RAM1(Start:0x68000000,Size:0x100000) and uncheked On-Chip IRAM1. According to stm32f10x_vector.s, set DATA_IN_ExtSRAM EQU 1. In order to make my application to run correctly, I must check use MicroLib in Project->Option. Only by this mean, the SP can be set in internal RAM. But I don't want to use MicroLib. Is it possible to use two seperate RAM described above without using MicroLib? I want to let MDK Linker to locate variables automatically. That is to say, set options in IDE instead of locating variables manually. Must I make some changes to stm32f10x_vector.s? Can anyone give me some advice? Thanks a lot.2011-05-17 04:08 AM
in the provided stm32f10x_vect.s comment ''Stack_Mem SPACE Stack_Size'' and add the following line:
Stack_Mem EQU 0x20000000