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Is factory programming available for ST microcontrollers?


Is it possible to get factory programmed microcontrollers with customer specific software (provided via .hex or .bin file) from ST and if so where can I find information about it?

Uwe Bonnes
Principal III

Get into touch with a local sales office.


Most resellers (e.g. Digikey) will do this for a fee if you ask.

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I don't think ST does it for free either, expect to need to be doing high volumes, and be contractually obligated to take all your parts, or take large penalties.

The boot loader on all the parts do typically provide multiple means to In-Circuit Program via existing interfaces, or ones brought to test points or edge castellations.

Anyway would look at capabilities of Distributors or Custom Manufacturers, or people they can recommend/suggest

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Yes, at the very least they'd be able to provide threshold requirements. People within the organization who deal with "White Goods" manufacturers likely have schedules and costing.

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