2015-05-21 4:03 AM
Hi all,
please help me understand the importance of 1. NVIC_SetVectorTable2. VECT_TAB_OFFSET definition inside the''system_stm32f10x.c''Thanks and Regards Tejas H2015-05-21 5:51 AM
Might I suggest the review of the Cortex-M3 Technical Reference Manual, and Joseph Yiu's books on the cores.
The processor resets with SCB->VTOR pointing to address ZERO, the STM32 shadows the FLASH, ROM or RAM depending on the BOOTx pins at reset. You should set the address to reflect the base of your code, if you have a boot loader the address of the application code is deeper into memory. If the application code resides at 0x08002000, the offset would be 0x2000. The pseudo code for the function is SCB->VTOR = base + offset = 0x08002000