2017-12-28 7:46 PM
I have 2 questions -
Can IAP be used to update the internal flash from an external flash. Here is what I want to do:
1) Download code to the External flash from a remote location. Such as Wifi OTA
2) Have code running looking for new image in the the external flash, notify the user to update by pressing a
a button or two and then have the IAP program the internal flash with the new image.
When performing IAP do you need twice the flash as your program. For example, if I have a program that is 32k, do I need 64k to do an IAP. Thought being I'm storing the new program in a section of flash and the the IAP copies that code the program flash. OR does it just overwrite the original program with the new one in the same flash location
2017-12-31 5:14 AM
You can use whatever memory you want to stage firmware updates. The code you write determines the functionality of your product.
2017-12-31 6:04 AM
The amount of memory needed depends on how small you can implement a boot loader that has the features you want/need to perform the update.
A loader that fits in 16KB can rewrite an application image of 1 or 2MB (less 16KB) without any additional memory. ie the loader can overwrite the application.