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I'm working to make commercial smart switch for industrial applications, for that i designed using stm32f103c8t6 micro controller, but getting lead time of more than 52 weeks, please suggest MCU's alternative to this which are immediately available.

Rick Hamilton
Associate II

I think we would all like to know that. We have designed hundreds of products using STM32 processors and now we can not buy the processors to build the products. What are we supposed to do? Just wait a year?

Right, the business has changed, you can't show up at the airport ​unticketed and expect to board a flight that's already overbooked.


W​ant parts today, probably going to have to pay the parts brokers market price.

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You'll likely need to redesign with parts that have availability you can manage.

I don't see the F1s being a good choice, tens of thousands of designs using those, so existing demand there is massive.

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We have been building some products for more than 5-6 years, using 10's of thousands a month. This is not just showing up at the airport, and I mentioned component shortages more than a year ago. The alternatives suggested were not compatible and not available.

Is any STM32 a good choice right now?