2011-07-13 5:26 AM
Do I need an external pull-up resistor on the SWDIO line for Serial Wire Debug?
The STM32 reference manual (Doc ID 13902 Rev 13) is not quite on this matter…
Section 31.4.3: Internal pull-up and pull-down on JTAG pins
JTMS/SWDIO: Internal pull-up
Having embedded pull-ups and pull-downs removes the need to add external resistors.
Section 31.8: SW protocol introduction
For SWDIO bidirectional management, the line must be pulled-up on the board (100 K
Ωrecommended by ARM).
So I am getting mixed messages; besides I could not find any info on the value of the internal pull up resistor – is it the usual weak pull-up resistor found on the other pins (30-50kohms)?
2011-07-13 6:05 AM
The internal 30-50K pull-up is more than adequate to meet ARM's suggested need, which is a minimal pull-up typical of silicon processes ~100K.
2011-07-13 9:23 AM
Our older development boards for the F1xx have pullups, some of them strong (10K). Newer boards (F2xx and Lxxx) seem to have no-loads.
I think you're probably ok without any external resistors for SWD. For JTAG it's harder to decide since it might be a bus. It may also depend on which probe you're using and whether it's the default pin.