2012-01-03 08:46 AM
I’m beginer in STM. I know how use adc, timers, interrupts etc.. I use Atollic TrueStudio, and I don’t know how use DSP. I know that i must use CMSIS library, but i don’t know how i must start this in main.c, or how i must add any libraries to project. Someone can help me? And i have second ask. In DSP which is in STM32F407 is something like “pipelining�? Sebastian2012-01-11 09:44 AM
I'm in the same situation as you. If you find out something please post it here. I can see the available functions but I don't know what files I need to add to my project.
2012-01-11 12:34 PM
Doesn't the CMSIS / DSP_Lib come with extensive documentation and examples? There is certainly a huge directory of material in the recent Keil releases.
Presumably you could download it for other tool chains http://www.onarm.com/cmsis/download/ http://www.onarm.com/ http://www.iqmagazineonline.com/current/pdf/Pg28-29-IQV10N1_IQ-34.pdf2012-01-12 08:25 AM
Well, I tried to add the .lib needed, but I have the same problem as in this post:
[DEAD LINK /public/STe2ecommunities/mcu/Lists/cortex_mx_stm32/Flat.aspx?RootFolder=/public/STe2ecommunities/mcu/Lists/cortex_mx_stm32/Atollic libraries&FolderCTID=0x01200200770978C69A1141439FE559EB459D7580009C4E14902C3CDE46A77F0FFD06506F5B]Atollic Libraries2012-01-12 12:54 PM
Well, I tried to add the .lib needed, but I have the same problem as in this post:
Maybe Atollic has a forum, not seen anyone actively supporting it here. Dropping objects and libraries into a project seems like a fairly basic IDE function, the Lite version crippled projects, perhaps it won't bring in libraries in case they contain printf/scanf? The last time I downloaded the Lite version I spent a lot of time pounding my head against a wall just building the ST demo projects. I'd strongly recommend trying evals from Keil, IAR and Rowley before committing to Atollic for your development work.2012-01-13 12:50 AM
I got it sort of working. If you add the library path, change the name of the lib from
arm_cortexM4lf_math.lib to libarm_cortexM4lf_math.a, and add the library in the project options as arm_cortexM4lf_math, it recognizes it. Now the strange thing is that I get this error:c:/program files/atollic/truestudio for stmicroelectronics stm32 lite 2.2.0/armtools/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-atollic-eabi/4.5.1/../../../../arm-atollic-eabi/bin/ld.exe: error: ../Libraries/CMSIS/Lib/ARM\libarm_cortexM4lf_math.a(arm_max_q15.o): Conflicting CPU architectures 13/0But if I execute it anyways, surprisingly it works fine, and do the calculations correctly. Any idea on what's causing this?(Edit)I think the problem comes because the library is compiled for ARM instructions, and Atollic compiles for Thumb2. I can see the option in Atollic to select thumb, thumb2 or ''Mix ARM/Thumb'', but it's grayed out, you can't select anything but Thumb2.2012-01-13 04:55 AM
Now the strange thing is that I get this error:
I see your head banging against one of the walls. The Cortex-M3/4 won't run ''ARM'' code, so the mixing/interworking would cause a Hard Fault, thus you can't select. ELF object files have some version/tag information, there is probably a mismatch here, rather than 32-bit instructions. May be a version of Atollic that intrinsically supports the FPU/DSP will have an option to use the instructions like Keil does.