2009-11-15 6:23 AM
How to setup an output compare and a PWM on the same timer
2011-05-17 4:29 AM
It looks like from the manual that once you set the timer for PWM mode you can't use the output compares? Any comments.
2011-05-17 4:29 AM
I want to be able to use a PWM on one channel and output compare on another channel. Is this possible using the standard library? If so, does anyone know or have code that would point me in the right direction. Thanks.
2011-05-17 4:30 AM
Why do you think? Read chapter 14.3.9, PWM mode can be selected on ANY channel with its mode ''110'' or ''111''. The other channels can work in different modes, even in OC.
Btw. FOC motor control library would not work if OC mode would not be possible.