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How to input data to fir_16by16_stm32 of ST DSPlibrary?

Associate II
Posted on September 23, 2009 at 05:07

How to input data to fir_16by16_stm32 of ST DSPlibrary?

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 13:24

Now I am using 16-bit FIR filter- fir_16by16_stm32 in the STM32F103CB.

It seems not work.

My setting is as follows:

1. M=40, N=360

short DataIn[M+N-1];

int FilterOut[N];

short h[M] = {376,13409,10271,6021,1783,-1426,-3010,-2934,-1676,0,1340,



2. For every FIR process, I use the last 39 data of previous 360 samples, combined with the current 360 samples. So this generates 399 samples for every DataIn[0..398].

3. Each DataIn[0..398] is fed into FIR filter and then FilterOut[0..359] is generated.

But I find the result FilterOut seems not correct. It seems many elements in FilterOut[0..359] have very large value. I think there is somewhere wrong!

Can someone tell me what's wrong about my process?

Please kindly give me some suggestions.

Thanks a lot!