2017-08-28 6:12 AM
ARMv7M has provided a tracing unit for debugging: The Data Watchpoint and Trace unit. but it has only 8bit counter for such as CPICNT. how do you use it to count a piece of code?
#stm32f7 #dwt #dwt->cyccnt #stm32f7-discovery #cpi2017-08-28 6:40 AM
Monitor it frequently?
2017-08-28 9:03 AM
You mean scan the register periodically? I'm afraid it will impact the normal order of the code and the accuracy of the result.
2017-08-28 10:49 AM
Such is life, ARM tends to use the minimum gates to achieve the maximum result, most people are never using the DWT beyond debugging on the bench. If you need some industrial grade profiling consider getting a trace pod, last time I checked they ran $1200
2017-08-28 10:52 AM
That's awesome...... Thanks for you suggestion.