2011-11-15 11:29 PM
Just wondering ... did somebody already tried to overclock an STM32 (F2 series for example) ?What max clock can we achieve before the chip blows up (with correct flash wait state) ?Thomas.2013-10-28 8:09 AM
Well, I assume the OP as grown-up enough to take responsibility for his actions.
Operating something (including a STM32 MCU) outside it's spec may actually break it. And if it breaks, it might have to do with exactly this fact. As long as there is no whining/complaining, it's totally up to him, and ok for me ...2013-10-28 9:19 AM
Perhaps unwise to suspect that Erik/I write, ''just'' for o.p.
There are consequences for, ''outside spec operation.'' And - these have now been listed - let the (MCU User) beware...2013-10-28 11:24 AM
Well, I assume the professionals to know, and the o.p. to ''don't care'' (more or less) ...
Surely, for a commercial device, the legal consequences far outweigh the minute performance gain of overclocking.2013-10-29 7:31 AM
Surely, for a commercial device, the legal consequences far outweigh the minute performance gain of overclocking.
Actually, a few years ago at 8052.com there was a post ''we have produced hundereds of these devices, now suddenly the newly build does not work'' after a lot of posts it was revealed the 'working' devices were overclocked Erik
2013-10-29 12:19 PM
And - at some point - should any reasonably experienced investor or VC - ''consider'' your project - their checklist will search for any such, ''out of spec'' operation.
If such ''improvements'' are admitted or detected - stand far clear of the exit door...