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Hi, Is there any Evaluation kit available for STM32F407IG. Also please suggest whether I can get the reference schematic for the same part. Please suggest? Regards, Karthik

karthik bhat

Basically I am planning to use STM32F407IG part for one of my design do it would be of great help if I get the refernce design(schematics) for the same part.

Also Please suggest whether this part supports SIM900 GSM module?

since I habve tight time schedule I am requesting for the reference design.


Try reviewing the EVAL or DISCO board schematics and associated data sheets and reference manuals.

I expect if you search you might find some STM32 designs using the SIM900.​

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I have a MB997C Discovery board with a 407 in it. There may well be others or with an other CPU.