2018-08-29 11:39 PM
2018-09-01 7:29 AM
I'm assuming you're talking about the STM32F429I-DISCO, it is important you explicitly state what you have because there are a lot of boards, and it shouldn't be necessary to guess.
The DISC1 variant of the board provides a COM port with the ST-LINK.
For code running on the F429 you'd need to use the USB connector on the SOUTH end of the board (the ST-LINK being on the NORTH). The code would also need to be configured to use the USB-HS peripheral.
A review of the schematic of the board, and manual, should provide specific details of the pins.
There aren't many examples specifically for the board, this one uses Flash Drives
Other boards have a richer set of examples, these can be ported based on understanding of the pins/features involved.
I posted an example of using the F429-DISCO's SDRAM as a USB RAM Drive several years ago, but that used the older SPL libraries
2018-09-02 9:34 PM
hi clive, i'm using f429 discovery board. i upload the same code in 407 discovery it connected to my PC but the 429 discovery doesn't connect to PC. i don't know what's issue here. could you help me to figure it out?
2018-09-02 11:27 PM
The F407 code likely uses the USB-FS, the F429-DISCO uses the USB-HS