2016-08-05 12:23 AM
hi i am new in forum . i want to learn how to programming STM32 in C language. i am using STM32 cube and keil ide . i am able to programming of atmeaga 328p AVR micro-controller. I am searching on internet but didn't get information. Any one has documentation or web links please share .
sorry for poor English thank you2016-08-05 1:20 AM
The Reference Manual for your STM32 sub-family is the basic source of information. As an appendix, the 'F0 RMs contain a set of examples for dealing with many of the basic peripherals. These are also contained within a set of examples called Snippets. These don't use Cube, rather, they access peripheral registers directly; symbols for these registers and for related constants come from [Cube]/Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/[family]/Include/[model]xx.h, that's the only header you need for this style of work.
I won't help you with Cube as such, I don't use it. It contains a ''GettingStarted'' pdf in [Cube]/Documentation, and then doxygen-autogenerated .chm documents in [Cube]/Drivers/[Family]_HAL_Driver, but I am not sure how useful reading these are. Supposedly, CubeMX (the program, don't confuse it with Cube which is the library) alleviates the need to read any documentation, providing you a clickey code generator, I don't know how well this fits your notion of learning. You might also try to start with simply going through the available examples, under [Cube]/Projects. Of course, you are supposed to start with the ''embedded Hello world'', ie. a simple blinky. JW2016-08-05 3:08 AM
thank you for reply . i will check it. Can i programming stm32f030f4p6tr without using stm32cube software? can i use keil to program stm32f030f4p6tr ?
2016-08-05 11:11 AM
Yes, you can.