2013-09-15 8:55 AM
i wanna build a project in keil that is a blinker actually a wanna set and reset GPIOA pins which registers i should adjust ?my program is:#define STM32F10X_CL#include <stm32f10x.h>int main(){int i=0;RCC->APB2ENR=0x1c;GPIOA->CRL=0x22222222;GPIOA->CRH=0x22222222; while(1) { GPIOA->ODR = 0x0000ffff; for(i=0;i<500000;i++); GPIOA->ODR = 0x00005555; for(i=0;i<700000;i++); }}thanks2013-09-15 9:37 AM
For register level programming you'll want to avail yourself of the Reference Manual
You might want you try the firmware library and it's examples. Also be cautious about configuring all of Bank A to GPIO, because presumably you have a debugger either JTAG or SWD reliant on some of those pins.