2016-12-23 4:32 AM
Good day. I use STM32L051C8. And I have a problem with GPIOs PA11 and PA12 in push-pull mode. When I trying set signal in 1, it up on short time and drop back. Other ports works perfect, but I can't understand what with these.
#stm32l02016-12-23 5:13 AM
The datasheet does show that PA11 and PA12 are typical GPIO:
Use debugger to look at your code. After tuning on the PA11 and PA12 ports, put a breakpoint to stop all SW (including interrupt). Then check with oscilloscope or multimeter what happen to the pin.
With so little info, there are many possibilities in mis-managing GPIOs.
The most popular mistakes are:
- The same GPIO are used by 2 different functions, sometime one of them is an interrupt based function
- Using GPIO DR directly instead of using the BSSR register (bit set or bit reset)
- Wrong GPIO pointer useage or activation of an alternate function in some other part of the code
Good luck in your debug!
2016-12-23 5:59 AM
You'll need to review the pins in the context of your design, if you have things attached to them, or if they are shorted to each other, or other pins.