2013-03-25 9:28 AM
I Recently got STM32F4 Discovery board i was going through peripheral examples, the thing i want to know is that where to get started because i want to use this board in my FYP, anyone has any kind of help resource? because i have been googling and din't find any kinda tutorial for this board as i'm dumbass, can someone please guide me where should i get start from?
#getting-started #stm32f42013-03-25 10:23 AM
I appreciate the honesty and self deprecating humour.
I think the examples are a good place to start. What tool chain are you using? Getting a serial port functioning, or some of the audio demos, or perhaps USB examples might be ones to focus on. FYP (Final Year Project?), have you though about what you want to do or demonstrate for that? Where do your interests in electronics / computing lead you?2013-04-06 6:20 AM
actually i will be using this board as data aquisition board i will record current signature in usb and then transmit using uart. after trying number of times i am ended now with just being able to configure single bits as input or output, is there any book or any kinda kickback tutorial which can enable me to do it all ??