2015-06-26 4:27 AM
Im using keil developing on a stm32f4 discovery board. im trying to make a function pointer to be used by other modules. something like: extern void (*p)() ; void myfunc() { printf(''function pointer''); } somefunction(struct Adc *instance) { p = myfunc(); } i get the following error at the ''p = myfunc();''-line: error: &sharp513: a value of type ''void'' cannot be assigned to an entity of type ''void (*)(void)'' know this is prob a noob question - but ive tried finding a solution - but cannot seem to solve it. can any1 tell me waht im doing wrong? thanks in advance #5132015-06-26 6:37 AM
You're trying to assign the pointer, not call the function
p = myfunc;