2016-04-04 9:17 PM
I would like to ask a question that might sound very basic almost silly to you, so my apologies.I am now programming a STM32F091 Nucleo board using mbed. (since it says ''mbed enabled'' and mbed is easy to learn). I have done several projects already.. (SPI, Touch panel, LCDs, Stepper motor control etc)However I would like to try and program it using an offline IDE. I have no idea where to start but reading some resources I learned that I can use eclipse and GCC .My first and main question is: If I do succeed in programming it (with Eclipse and flashing it with the ST-LINK utility - or stlink in my mac) can I go back and program it with mbed again? I know it might sound silly but I am afraid I might erase some kind of bootloader or something and later wont be able to reprogram it with mbed (I only have one nucleo and I need to show my work to my supervisor so I cant risk it)I would appreciate a reply on this.Other than that I have the following questions-I read that you can program a STM32 with visual studio... is this so?? This is the first time I heard something like this (since so far I have heard only of IAR and Keil etc)-Can someone tell me of a good book, tutorial or resource to learn how to program the STM32 nucleo (or other STM32 processor). So far of what I have read, it seems that the learning curve is much much steep than say mbed -which if you know C++ you can master easily)Thanks again for any help you can give me2016-04-05 1:59 AM
Hi KR1,
•I have no idea where to start but reading some resources I learned that I can use eclipse and GCC:I recommend you to use thehttp://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/FM147/CL1794/SC961/SS1533/PF261797?s_searchtype=keyword
, is a free multi-OS software development environment based on Eclipse, which supports the full range of STM32 microcontrollers and associated boards.•If I do succeed in programming it (with Eclipse and flashing it with the ST-LINK utility - or stlink in my mac) can I go back and program it with mbed again? Of course yes•Can someone tell me of a good book, tutorial or resource to learn how to program the STM32 nucleo (or other STM32 processor). So far of what I have read, it seems that the learning curve is much much steep than say mbed -which if you know C++ you can master easily)I recommend you to have a look to the User manual: this document provides guidelines to beginners on how to build and run a sample application and allows them to build and debug their application based on STM32 Nucleo board.Also you can find a full set of running examples within the STM32Cube firmware package (example )-Syrine-2016-04-05 3:21 AM
> I recommend you to use the
, ...I would recommend a free version of IAR Workbench (size limited), Atollic TrueStudio (unlimited), or Keil uVision (size limited) instead. Or, , which is free, without limitations, and without forcing you to register.>> •If I do succeed in programming it (with Eclipse and flashing it with the ST-LINK utility - or stlink in my mac) can I go back and program it with mbed again?
> Of course yes
I'm not so sure. I never used mbed myself, but similar tools often require a special ''bootloader'' application, that facilitates the program download without a debugger or offline-IDE. To go back to mbed, you might need to reflash this loader. I would at least check this before.
2016-04-05 10:40 AM
Size limited denies to be FREE