2011-01-18 8:19 AM
Hi, i would like to know if there is any limitation for programing others ST's Cortex-M3 with the embedded ST-Link placed at STM32 Discovery?
As an example.. can i program the STM32F102? Second, for now i am using the CodeSourcery Lite with Eclipse. Any one knows if there is any limitation on using CodeSourcery (or any other gcc) with ST's Cortex-M3? Thank you!2011-01-19 12:21 AM
The ST-Link should work with any STM32, just make sure to upgrade the firmware to the latest version. Codesourcery works perfectly with the STM32http://www.chibios.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=chibios:guides:eclipse1
, the following guides explain how to use it:http://www.chibios.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=chibios:guides:eclipse1
Giovanni2011-01-19 12:28 AM
Thank you!! Any idea what's the limitation of the LITE version?
Thank you!2011-01-19 1:58 AM
I think it is not limited because the update package is the same for the normal ST-Link and the embedded one.
I've not verified first hand however. Giovanni2011-01-19 3:09 AM
2011-01-19 4:18 AM
It does not have limitations. The code size is unlimited, optimizations are not disabled and the library is complete.
Giovanni2011-01-25 7:27 AM
Will ST-LINK work with this IDE? It isn't specified inhttp://openocd.berlios.de/doc/html/Debug-Adapter-Hardware.html#Debug-Adapter-Hardware
?2011-01-25 1:34 PM
ST Link is not currently supported by OpenOCD and there is no alternative GDB server as far I know. Huge limit IMO.
EWARM and uVision support it out of the box. Giovanni2011-01-30 1:43 PM
You could replace the ST-Link firmware with Versaloon , and get OpenOCD support (GDB) , you need 2 STM32VL boards (one programming the other via SWD , or some other kind of SWD programmer)
http://www.versaloon.com/bbs/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=17&start=0 http://takenapart.com/?p=82 /Bingo