2016-05-27 4:53 PM
I am working on STM32F4 Discovery. I need help in interfacing DS1307 RTC with Controller using HAL Library. Please if anyone can help!ThanksAnuj #!stm32f4 #!stm32-!cubemx-!rtc2016-05-30 3:27 AM
Hi mattoo.anuj,
I suggest that you take a look to the ARMmbed community or Github projects like this one . You get inspired how to interface the DS1307 via I2C and import then into a Hal project. -Hannibal-2016-06-04 2:01 PM
Thanks for your reply.
The Github Project/library is very different from HAL library, I can't seem to use it in HAL.It's very very different. Previous SPL Library has nothing common with HAL Library.It's mind boggling.I am stuck. Any help getting used to this Library would be helpful.