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debugging in Eclipse

Associate II
Posted on July 08, 2013 at 08:11

Hello everyone,

I a

m a n

ew to working wtih ARM processors.I've

a ST

M32F4 Discovery board.I tried to setup

STM32F4 development environment on Ubuntu

as stated in th

is site

But When I

Run STlink on Eclipse

it says,(page 2 step 5 in the above site)


ddress already in use.

and the st-util stops

not allowing the debugging



y help wou

ld be gr


y appreciated.

#bind:address-already-in-use #-
Associate II
Posted on July 08, 2013 at 09:41

I'm mostly working under Mint (a Ubuntu derivate).

Could you try as root ?

If that works, you need to grant your user account the rights to access usb devices, and/or add your addapter(s) to the udev rules list.

Associate II
Posted on July 08, 2013 at 11:51

Please explain the what trying as a root means?does it mean

launch st-util from root and then run and debug the file.

But the device is recognised.

It displays the SRAM and FLASH capacity too.

Associate II
Posted on July 08, 2013 at 14:37

for your purpose sudo = root. Basically run your program using sudo and you will get all rights you will ever need (even to delete your own filesystem so watch out what you write after sudo). It seems like you're new with linux as well ;)

Associate II
Posted on July 08, 2013 at 16:06

for your purpose sudo = root. Basically run your program using sudo and you will get all rights you will ever need (even to delete your own filesystem so watch out what you write after sudo). It seems like you're new with linux as well ;)



Trying to make firmware for a new MCU, using a toolchain/IDE you are barely familiar with, on an OS you are new to, is ...hmmmm ... looking for trouble.

Too much unknowns make a problem impossible to solve ...

I would tackle one task at a time. Having had some experience with other MCUs and IDEs, I started with one of such restricted versions of Atollic when starting with STMs. Once you get a blinky example running, you can take the next step.

Associate II
Posted on July 10, 2013 at 12:17

I sorted it.I was running st-util from the terminal and also trying it run from eclipse.

Now I started the Debugger and it rightly prompted to line as shown in the site .The console also reads that the code has been flashed.

But the leds dont blink.I tried resetting and then loading but dint help.

I did start with keil.Recently i shifted to ubuntu and eclipse+openocd