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CubeMX 4.24 generates uncompilable code for TrueStudio

Richard Bene¨
Associate II
Posted on January 31, 2018 at 11:17

Hello everyone,

after update of STM32CubeMX it started to generate simply uncompilable code for TrueSTUDIO.

When I select FATFS od FREERTOS and TrueSTUDIO as a IDE, after compilation,

functions like HAL_Init(), osThreadCreate(), osKernelStart(), HAL_RCC_OscConfig(), HAL_SD_ReadBlocks_DMA()

and similar are marked with errors 'Undefined reference'.

However when I choose only SDIO, all HAL functions are compiled without problems.

I've got Atollic TrueSTUDIO® for STM32 v9.0.0, hovewer I don't think that problem is in IDE.

When I generate code in CubeMX code for MDK-ARM v5, everything compiles without problem.

From attached projects, only SAMPLE_SDIO.ioc works.

Does someone have similar problem?

Mikhail Lipatov
Associate II
Posted on February 26, 2018 at 10:00

Hello, Amel N

share the .io

Jeanne Joly
Senior III
Posted on March 20, 2018 at 17:31

Hello all, 

This issue is now fixed in the current CubeMX release.

Please, upgrade with CubeMX4.25 if not already done.

BR. Jeanne


Here is my workaround:

create a project with cubeMx and the uC of your choice. Then only change in "project Manager" toolchain, directory and project location. Dont assign any pins or make a configuration! Just genereate the project , open it in atollic and it should be compileable.

When i assigned Pins and did some configuration, the generated project was not compilable in Atolloc

Using Cube 5.01 and Atollic 9.1