2008-08-02 6:53 AM
Cortex Motor control kit
2011-05-17 3:40 AM
I have motor control kit with STR750. One day i have replace processor board STR75x-EVAL with STM3210X-128K-EVAL and connect hall sensors instead of incremental encoder (as in documentation). Everything works for some time (cca. 30min) after that LCD stop displaying image and CS line of LCD got only 2V. I have check the schematics and found major(on my opinion) hardware mistake. Pins of hall sensor are 5V. They are connected to pins 31,33,34 on motor control connector. This pins go on Pa0, Pa1 and Pa2 on cortex witch are not 5V tolerant. Is this really a mistake or I’m missing something ? ST is selling the same combination of boards as Cortex motor control kit. Regards, Martin. p.s. At the end i have changed the processor and put zener diodes on this pins and now everything works well.2011-05-17 3:40 AM
Hi martin,
I think that that there 4 jumpers to control Power levels either coming from/to the microcontroller board ( 5Volts or 3.3Volts) These jumpers are W13, W14, W15, and W16 (most Important one),could you please check them that they are are in the right positions ? Asterix.