2016-01-15 10:06 PM
I am triggering ADC1 from TIM4->CCR4 and SDADC1 from TIM4->CCR1. ADC1 is configured for regular conversions and no injected conversions. SDADC1 is configured for injected conversions and no regular conversions.
For both converters I need the conversions transferred by DMA into buffer arrays on every trigger from TIM4. When the arrays are filled, and the callback is called, I need the conversions to stop until the next triggers from TIM4. I hope to do this witout having to call HAL_ADC_Start_DMA() and HAL_SDADC_InjectedStart_DMA() every time the buffers are filled. Should the DMA mode be Circular or Normal? Should Continuous Mode be enabled or disabled? #dma-sdadc-adc-trigger2016-01-16 6:12 AM
Do you need to keep changing the buffer address where you store the values? If NO use circular
Do you want to sample at some triggered intervals, or continuously?2016-02-12 5:07 PM
I need the data to be placed in the same buffer address range each time.
I need the SDADCs triggered at regular intervals, every time the timer triggers it.