2015-12-01 1:50 AM
We want to migrates our platform from STR710 to Stm32F4x ,Can Usart of STM32F4X(Smartcard mode ) connectes the Smartcard Pin without the ST8024 ?
#smartcard2015-12-01 5:36 AM
I have the exact same question.
I am using the SmartCard example project that cames with STMCubeF4 for STM324xG_EVAL, however I ported the codes for STM32F429 Discovery.I think it's working partially ok, but I am getting different ATR than I get with a standard PC USB Smart Card reader, So I was wondering if the ST8024 is necessary.I would appreciate anyone who can light me (us) up.2015-12-01 6:59 AM
do you tested the all feature of ISO7816 or Local standard of IC center? i think the EVAL board added the ST8024, i appreciates
who can explain why ? @ST AE or FAE2015-12-01 10:15 AM
Not sure there is a lot of SmartCard expertise here.
I think your best course of action would be to call your local ST FAE, as they don't participate here, being a primarily user forum.2015-12-02 8:30 AM
I don't know what you mean, I just runned the STMCube example (ported for stm32f49), connecting an smart card (which I'm sure it works) and by connecting, I mean simply connecting wires for VCC, GND, CLK and I/O pins to my STM32F429 Discovery board, But I'm getting a wrong ATR
2015-12-04 11:35 PM
I contacted ST online support, here is the complete conversation:
Yes the interface circuit is needed
( power supply contraints) ; you can find a reference schematics in STM3240G-EVAL ( I think other STM32 evalautino board also have smart card hardware interface ; for sure as it si board designed by ST there is a 8024 bt ST; but other chip can be usedBest regards
We want to interface a smart card with our main MCU in our AVL device, the goal is to read data from a Java Card.
I am using STM32F429 Discovery and STMCube example (/Projects/STM324xG_EVAL/Examples/SmartCard), I ported this example to STM32F429.
Unfortunately I'm getting wrong ATR when I run the sample.
However I am not using the ST8024 IC, it did not mention anything in the application node (AN2598) that this IC is mandatory.
So, Is this IC mandatory for communicating with smart cards?
Thanks and best regards