2016-11-01 2:27 AM
Currently, HAL_PWR_EnableWakeUpPin() enables wakeup-pin before it sets polarity. The calling order should be reversed.
void HAL_PWR_EnableWakeUpPin(uint32_t WakeUpPinPolarity){ assert_param(IS_PWR_WAKEUP_PIN(WakeUpPinPolarity)); /* Enable wake-up pin */ SET_BIT(PWR->CSR2, (PWR_EWUP_MASK & WakeUpPinPolarity)); /* Specifies the Wake-Up pin polarity for the event detection (rising or falling edge) */ MODIFY_REG(PWR->CR2, (PWR_EWUP_MASK & WakeUpPinPolarity), (WakeUpPinPolarity >> 0x06));}When I tried to set a wakeup pin as falling edge by calling HAL_PWR_EnableWakeUpPin(PWR_WAKEUP_PIN1_LOW), wakeup flag was set after MODIFY_REG is called. I think it's because the default polarity is rising edge and changing the polarity while wakeup is enabled sets a wakeup flag.It should call MODIFY_REG before SET_BIT. The version I'm using is: * @file stm32f7xx_hal_pwr.c * @author MCD Application Team * @version V1.1.1 * @date 01-July-2016 * @brief PWR HAL module driver.Workaround is calling __HAL_PWR_CLEAR_WAKEUP_FLAG() after HAL_PWR_EnableWakeUpPin().2016-11-02 10:24 AM
Hi sakurai.hiroshi,
I report this internally for investigation. It is not related to the HAL_PWR_EnableWakeUpPin() function bit to the definedvalue PWR_WAKEUP_PINX_LOW to be written in the register.-Hannibal-