2014-04-29 10:16 AM
In AN2606:
''Workaround�? For 64-pin packagesNone. The bootloader cannot be used.�? For 100-pin packagesDepending on the used peripheral, the pins for the unused peripherals have to be keptat a high level during the bootloader activation phase as described below:– If USART1 is used to connect to the bootloader, PD6 and PB5 have to be kept at ahigh level.– If USART2 is used to connect to the bootloader, PA10, PB5, PA11 and PA12 haveto be kept at a high level.– If CAN2 is used to connect to the bootloader, PA10, PD6, PA11 and PA12 have tobe kept at a high level.- If DFU is used to connect to the bootloader, PA10, PB5 and PD6 have to be kept ata high level.''Is this meaning the STM32f107RCT has no bootloader?If Its true what is best program way for STM32F107RC?2014-04-29 11:56 AM
Is this meaning the STM32f107RCT has no bootloader? If Its true what is best program way for STM32F107RC?
Bit of selective cut-n-paste, what does the text before/after the quote actually say? Do you have a part that meets those criterion? Or not? Alternatively you can use SWD/JTAG, and once you have some of your own code on the part you can implement your own update strategy.
2014-04-30 3:54 AM
No,But I am surprised!!! 64pin has not bootloader.2014-04-30 6:58 AM
No,But I am surprised!!! 64pin has not bootloader.
Some older ones, from perhaps 3-4 years ago, if you are buying such parts as new stock you need to review who you are buying them from.''Bootloader unavailability on STM32F105xx/STM32F107xx devices with a date code below 937''