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A very quick question regarding creating a new project.

Associate III

My Windows desktop computer has failed so I'm trying to get all happening on a MacBook Pro.

When a project is created I'm supposed to get a message box asking me if I want to "initialize all components in their default mode." That way all the clock, etc is done for me.

My problem is that this message box does not appear!

Any ideas on how I can get this to happen.

I've done a pretty good search using Google with no success at all.

Any assistance greatly appreciated.

Associate III

Hello JMazu,

I am assuming this is related to STM32CubeMX. When creating a new project, are you selecting a board (for example, NUCLEO-F030R8) or a specific microcontroller (for example, STM32F030R8Tx)?

On Windows I get a pop-up when selecting a board, but not when selecting a chip.

Associate III

That's interesting, must try that, thanks.

Associate III

moutjon, you were right the money! In retrospect it does make sense.

In that spirit, thanks a million.