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Best communication protocol to connect stm32 to a raspberry pi


Hey Everyone! I have a pretty ambitious project I have in mind. I will be making a robot using stm32f4. The stm32f4 will be controlling the arms, meaning all motor control will be on the stm32f4(most likely run freertos). So the first goal is to have a fully functional moving robot. The next goal is to integrate a lidar using a raspberry pi 4/5 or Jetson nano (I'm leaning towards the pi 5 since there are more libraries for it). So if the lidar sees an object, it will notify the stm32 to move left/right or whatever direction the lidar picked up. 


So my goal is, what would be the best communication protocol between the pi/nano and stm32. Two, is there any kinematics libraries already built for the stm32 that could make this easier for me? 

ST Employee

Hello @bdtwister20 and welcome to the ST Community .

For such a communication, you have the choice between different communication protocol such as UART, SPI, I2C, CAN depending on your needs and also on the available resources on the boards.

For the Libraries, there is not an official one, but you can try to inspire from the existent Tutorials.

Best Regards.


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